Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Extreme bora in progress in SLO/CRO

Currently the winds are locally blowing over 160 km/h, even 180km/h reported. Extreme bora in progress along the Dinaric mountain range in Slovenia and Croatia. I'm not wind chasing today but it sure would be fun!

SW-Slovenia. Scale in bottom right in m/s. Forecast by ALADIN (ARSO).

Istra, W-Croatia.


  1. i'm in rijeka, and the wind is terrible (we call it bura)... trees pulled out, debris in the air, people carried away...

  2. and btw. you could like this: :D

  3. In Slovenia we call it burja but the "bora" is an english term so I use it here.

    I like the video, spectacular shelf cloud. I definitely have a wish to storm chase in Croatia too this year. If there will be a good setup then you will see me there. :) Since I'm from Novo mesto, I don't have a very long drive to Croatia. :)

  4. rijeka is great (lightning hitting the sea, clouds traversing učka)
