Tuesday, May 3, 2011

May 3rd 2011 - Storm with shelf cloud in SE-Slovenia

Another weak front passed us today. Only marginal CAPE with weak deep layer shear was present, but the front provided enough lift for some semi-serious storms to form. I got a nice view of a shallow shelf cloud in the vicinity of my home. It was really a multi-cellular mess. Only this storm showed some signs of organization, everything else was just not worth looking at. Some nearby cells really killed the action on the cell I photographed. It was soon digesting downdrafts from other cells and died soon after that.

Yeah, we've seen better but given that the season sucks so far and it's still early May, I'll take this one.

Wall cloud of the first cell of the day that did not produce anything.

Distant wall cloud.

Forming shelf cloud approaching.

Funky looking tornado-like structure. Nothing serious.
Probably the best look of the storm I got.

Wall cloud with the shelf above.

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